February 10, 2017 - created by KimberlyCurry,
2 likes, 2,404 views
We are Icon Commercial Lending. Yes, we are Venture Capitalists, yes, we help you get funding starting at $10 Million and up, yes, we fund all over the world......
We have a proven, successful, step... moreWe are Icon Commercial Lending. Yes, we are Venture Capitalists, yes, we help you get funding starting at $10 Million and up, yes, we fund all over the world......
We have a proven, successful, step by step process we use to get you that loan. No up front fees either !
Please visit us at www.iconcl.com or send me an email at kcurry@iconcl.com
I can show you how easy it is to get your dream funded Contact us today !
February 10, 2017 - created by MickaelMosse,
0 likes, 402 views
FIRST REAL TRANSAC FRANCE est une jeune entreprise qui a pour principale mission de développer la solution MLS au niveau mondial, mais aussi d’apporter des solutions aux agences contre le développemen... moreFIRST REAL TRANSAC FRANCE est une jeune entreprise qui a pour principale mission de développer la solution MLS au niveau mondial, mais aussi d’apporter des solutions aux agences contre le développement du marché PAP, rabattre les acheteurs et vendeurs vers les agences de façon automatisée, réduire leurs couts informatiques, leurs donner de nouveaux outils web2.0 collaboratifs et mettre à leurs disposition un logiciel immobilier CRM entièrement gratuit.
Nous sommes la première société à proposer une solution complète et inter-connecté .
- Devenir le « Google » de l’immobilier mondial.
- Ouvrir le 1er MLS (partage de fichier inter-agences) international.
- Faciliter et sécuriser le partage de commission inter-agences.
- Apporter aux Agences immobilières tous les outils de gestion et marketing dont elles ont besoin - Accélérer la vente des produits des propriétaires.
- Redonner aux Particuliers l’envie de travailler avec les Agences tout en leur laissant le choix de passer leurs annonces de Particulier à Particulier.
– Premier logiciel de gestion/transaction immobilier web.2.0 100% gratuit (et pour toujours), lequel permet aux agences de piloter toute leur activité (produits, mandats, gestion, clients, collaborateurs, recherches, adéquations, documents, emails, agenda, diffusion des biens...) & 100% compatible MLS.
– Partage des biens inter-agences sur le nouveau réseau MLS national acceptant aussi bien les mandats exclusifs que non exclusifs (vente & location).
– MLS National & International multilingue et auto-traduit.
– Application WordPress Agence permettant aux Professionnels de réunir toute nos technologies sur leur site Agence.
– Portail immobilier International
– Algorithme de mise en relation Particulier/Agence permettant l’apport d’affaires automatisé aux Agences de nouveaux clients (Acheteurs et Vendeurs) issus du marché PAP (de leur zone géographique) :
– Vendeurs particuliers (qui veut vendre – ou – quoi – a quel prix) – Acheteurs particuliers (qui veut acheter – ou –quoi – a quel prix)
– 10 ans d’expertise et de développement Web
– plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans l’immobilier et le MLS américain
– 700.000 € d’investissement en première levee de fonds
– Des partenaires solides de renommée mondiale (Ubiflow, Previsite, Listhub)
Realtransac CRM (logiciel de gestion transaction web2.0)
100% Gratuit
Baissez vos charges fixes tout en obtenant de meilleurs outils
100% En ligne
Pas d’installation réseau, vous accédez à votre logiciel de n’importe où et avec n’importe quel terminal (pc, smartphone, ipad…)
100% Evolutif
Chaque utilisateur peut soumettre ses idées et remarques, le logiciel évolue selon vos besoins
100% On Cloud
Multi serveurs, basculement automatique selon la charge, multi sauvegardes, systèmes redondants…
100% Web2.0
Chaque utilisateur contribue au développement du réseau et de son contenu
100% High-tech
Le logiciel fonctionne sous les dernières technologies Zend Framework
100% Compatible multidiffusion
Des options (payantes) de Multi-Diffusion sont disponibles à la fois pour votre propre site immobilier mais aussi sur plus de 100 sites nationaux / sur plus de 30 sites internationaux.
Vous pouvez consulter la liste des portails nationaux, internationaux) (ces pages sont accessibles uniquement lorsque vous êtes enregistrés et logués).
100% MLS
L’option MLS International (payante) vous permet de toucher des commmissions sur les ventes faites aux clients que vous envoyez aux autres Agences du monde entier ainsi que de recevoir des acheteurs pour vos produits de la part des autres Agences.
Une architecture complète et exclusive
Realtransac.com est le logiciel immobilier ultime.
Simple d’utilisation et rapide il permet une prise en main immédiate et intuitive (et nous offrons aussi un manuel d’utilisation).
Il est muni de nombreuses applications métier :
Création des utilisateurs et gestions des droits du programme
Possibilité de gérer plusieurs Agences ou un réseau d’Agents mandataires
Création des contacts clients, prospects, fournisseurs…
Création des biens (vente, location, location saisonnière), photos, vidéos…
Création des mandats rattachés aux biens
Agenda utilisateurs partagés
Réception et envois des emails
Gestion des documents de l’Agence (édition automatique, envois par email, impressions pdf…)
Création de rapports d’activité
Création des recherches de adéquations
Relances automatiques pré-programmées dans le calendrier et par email
Ainsi que de services optionnels « Premium » payants :
Connexion du Logiciel à votre site Agence pour y mettre à jour vos produits
L’option MLS international
La multi diffusion de vos produits sur les portails immobiliers majeurs (nationaux et/ou Internationaux).
La mise en avant de vos produits sur le portail MLS International Realtransac less
February 10, 2017 - created by SupriyaGhurye,
0 likes, 293 views
The group is open to apparel designers, fashion illustrators,apparel professionals & any fashion enthusiast. A place for people to share resources and offer value. Whether you actually work in the... moreThe group is open to apparel designers, fashion illustrators,apparel professionals & any fashion enthusiast. A place for people to share resources and offer value. Whether you actually work in the fashion industry or you are looking for a resource, this group will be a place for you to make connections, get advice, brainstorm and contribute. Discussion are encouraged to build networks, solve design-related problems, search for assignments, and more. Lets make best use of this platform...
International Festival «Fashion Summit» created to bring together the masters of the fashion world and the talented young designers an... moreWWW.FASHION-SUMMIT.COM www.fashion-summit.tumblr.com
International Festival «Fashion Summit» created to bring together the masters of the fashion world and the talented young designers and giving them an opportunity to demonstrate an individual vision of fashion and style, and show the "plus" the possibility and prospects for the opening of its production facilities and factories in the Republic of Tunisia, using local raw materials corresponding to the price and quality to European standards. The result of the International Festival «Fashion Summit» is to strengthen cultural ties between Russia and the Republic of Tunisia. At the International Festival «Fashion Summit» International expert to address the Arts Council of Representatives - the Commonwealth of the International Festival «Fashion Summit» awarded 1.3 Starter young designers with an opportunity to sell their collection on the production of textile-based Republic of Tunisia. Thereby creating and reinforcing the strong link between the artist-designer in Russia, CIS, Europe and the countries party to the International Festival «Fashion Summit» high quality textile and manufacturing base of the Republic of Tunisia. This result will be a new basis for strong ties of cultural and industrial and technological progress in relations between Russia and the Republic of Tunisia.
International Festival «Fashion Summit - 2010" held in Tunis, Hammamet, from 1 to December 10.
In «Fashion Summit - 2010" was attended by fashion designers from 7 countries: Russia, France, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria.
Exhibitors List «Fashion Summit - 2010: • Violetta Litvinova, Russia • Sophie Ducomte, France • Hope Ruban, Russia • Marina Demina, France • Morozkina Elena, Russia • Faouzi Naouar, Tunisia • Stefka Savova, Bulgary • Veronika Niko, Great Britain • G Nadin Corrado, France • Kyvyrzhik Nicholas, Moldova • Roselyne Cordin, France • Komardin Ludmila, Ukraine • Den Anna, Russia
Designers familiar with the manufacturing capabilities of the state, Tunisia. Were pleasantly surprised by the modern technological equipment of enterprises of light industry, high quality performance and attractive pricing. During the «Fashion Summit - 2010" opened showrooms of designers, where they had the opportunity to offer their products to buyers and visitors from different countries. Fashioneducation.ru Intermoda.ru and spent a fascinating master classes. Partners of the Festival pleased with officials and guests of the surprises in style and Lisap Darberri.
The organizers of this fabulous festival are: The Foundation for Mother Earth ", the tour operator« Elita Travel », Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tunisia and the Municipality of Monastir. Partners are the PR-agency «ID & S», designers Nelly Agafonov and Anastasia Kochetkova, the magazine "Business Africa".
February 10, 2017 - created by JulesRox,
0 likes, 630 views
Fashion, Art, & Party goes well together. Why not have the best of all three! A great place to network, share, and power partner with one another by listing your events here.
February 10, 2017 - created by FrancescoVenier,
0 likes, 354 views
Il maestro veneto Francesco Venier è personalità italiana di risonanza internazionale. Pittore, giornalista, opinionista, creativo e inventore, Francesco ... moreESTRATTO COMUNICATI STAMPA 2009-2010
February 10, 2017 - created by AshleyLyle,
0 likes, 1,181 views
The Fashion and Music Industry Professionals in Los Angeles Group is a network of professionals and aspiring professionals based out of the Los Angeles, California who want to connect with others in t... moreThe Fashion and Music Industry Professionals in Los Angeles Group is a network of professionals and aspiring professionals based out of the Los Angeles, California who want to connect with others in the area. Feel free to pose upcoming events, job opportunities, and any other networking opportunities.
This group is for directors, producers, executive producers and financiers of feature film projects around the world to extend their international network with other producers, co-production partners ... moreThis group is for directors, producers, executive producers and financiers of feature film projects around the world to extend their international network with other producers, co-production partners and financiers. Group members may post project details, investment offers, finance requests and company links and bios here.
February 10, 2017 - created by JasleenSethi,
0 likes, 1,271 views
I am a documentary producer and director and often travel to festivals for both docs and fiction films. I'll post the dates of anything interesting here. Please feel free to join and do the same!
February 10, 2017 - created by AvvMichele,
0 likes, 425 views
For a long time Florence has been the center of the fashion and art world. Starting from the Medici Family in the 15th century, until -more recently- Gucci, Ferragamo, Pucci...And restaurants like Pin... moreFor a long time Florence has been the center of the fashion and art world. Starting from the Medici Family in the 15th century, until -more recently- Gucci, Ferragamo, Pucci...And restaurants like Pinchiorri, Antinori... Since then, the coolest fashion and art happenings take place in Florence.... This group aims to offer a new up-to-date approach to the beauties of Florence and Tuscany... If you love slow food, drinking great red wines, lounge bars where you can talk and dance, if you are planning a day trip in the countryside, YOU GOTTA COME TO FLORENCE! And share with the rest of the group the reason of your visit to Florence and if you are looking for fun social happenings! less
February 10, 2017 - created by GroupAdministrator,
0 likes, 15,131 views
May 22, 2009This group is a business networking platform for executives who are passionate about fashion, marketing, digital media, and culture. The group encourages advertisement agencies, brands, in... moreMay 22, 2009This group is a business networking platform for executives who are passionate about fashion, marketing, digital media, and culture. The group encourages advertisement agencies, brands, investors, retailers, and emerging talent.